Annual meeting 2023

The research grouping (GDR) "Theoretical challenges for climate sciences" was created in early 2022. Its goal is to federate the community of theorists: climatologists, oceanographers, atmospheric scientists, physicists, mathematicians, computer scientists, numerical scientists, machine learning, who work on climate sciences. The 2nd annual meeting, over 3 days, will take place from June 5 to 7, 2023.  These days are open to all scientists interested in these topics.  The specific theme this year will be "Dynamical processes, turbulence and parameterization". The day of June 7 will be a common day with the GDR Navier-Stokes 2.0.

Scientific objectives of the joint meeting:

To work on several rather natural connections between the two communities for a better mutual understanding, and to establish scientific links and potential collaborations. In particular, this day will address turbulent processes in climate science, issues of parameterization and modeling of submesh scales (turbulent boundary layers, air-ocean interactions, convection, clouds, etc), effects of waves, rotation and stratification on turbulent processes.

Useful information

  • Dates: June 5 to 7, 2023
  • Location: Institut Henri Pointcaré Paris
  • Free registration - until 12th May (does not include dinners and overnight stays)
  • There will be a zoom link for visio too

GDR Theoretical challenges for climate science

The Theoretical Challenges for Climate Science GDR brings together the community of theorists: physicists, climatologists, oceanographers, atmospheric scientists, mathematicians, computer scientists, numerical scientists, machine learning, who work on climate science. The goal of the GDR is to develop innovative theoretical and numerical tools to overcome current scientific limitations. The approaches of statistical physics, turbulence modeling, mathematics, machine learning, will allow to deepen the understanding of fundamental mechanisms, improve models, and better predict extreme events to reduce uncertainties on the impacts of climate change. This GDR has a strong interdisciplinary vocation and involves researchers from several CNRS institutes, many other French organizations and companies.

More information on the GDR website:


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